Jambalaya Soul Slam Website

Jambalaya Soul Slam Website
Home of the Bull City Slam Team

Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's our Birthday!!

In February we celebrated our 7th birthday so in true Bull City fashion we did it BIG! On February 18th we held our annual midnight erotic slam featuring Yashika & on Saturday the 19th we held another slam during our "birthday party". Yep, that's right, we had two slams back to back!

Erotic Slam Scores

Dasan sacrificed with "Snow Angels" scoring a 26.8 after a 2 point time penalty


Potts - 28.5
Inkstress- 25.5
Alise- 23.4
Church Da Poet- 29.6
Axiom- 28.6
Teniel- 24.6
Scentric- 23.0
Tradell- 27.5
Curtis- 17.1

After a little foreplay we had to let 4 poets go as moved into the 2nd round....here's where things get steamy.


Church Da Poet - 23.6/53.2
Axiom- 26.9/55.5
Potts- 29.0/57.5
Tradell- 28.2/55.7
Inkstress- 24.3/49.8

In order to reach a climax we must let go of even more poets.


Potts- 29.3/86..8
Axiom- 28.3/83.8
Tradell- 27.3/83.0

AND THE WINNER IS.....POTTS! For the 4th year in a row Potts is the Erotic Slam Champion!

Birthday Slam Scores


iShine- 28.1

SLAP- 28.2

G- 27.1

Zak- 27.2

NovaKane- 29.8

Alise- 27.0

Axiom- 26.4

Nicholas- 24.6

Lyrically Blessed- 29.8

J. Alex- 23.6

Kelly Rae- 29.2

Alyssa- 23.8


Lyrically Blessed- 29.0/58.8

NovaKane- 30/59.8

Kelly Rae- 29.2/58.4

SLAP- 27.1/55.3

iShine- 28.3/56.4

Zak- 27.8/55.0


NovaKane- 29.9/89.7

Lyrically Blessed- 29.9/88.7

Kelly Rae- 29.3/87.7

Congrats to NovaKane for winning the Birthday Slam!!

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