Jambalaya Soul Slam Website

Jambalaya Soul Slam Website
Home of the Bull City Slam Team

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

January Slam

Our January slam was held at the Common Ground Theater in Durham following the Black Poetry Theater's production of Definition of a Hero. Our feature Tim Jackson gave a soul stirring performance to open up the first slam of 2011.

Round 1

G- 27.0 Redfining Freedom- 26.7 Selma- 25.8

Desmond- 22.1 Alise- 25.0 El'Ja- 29.8

Enfinite- 27.3 Mohammad- 29.5 LB- 29.3

Krosswordz- 28.4 Lady S- 28.7 Zak- 29.7

Round 2

El'Ja - 27.9/ 57.2 Zak - 29.8/59.5

Mohammad- 29.9/59.4 LB- 29.8/59.1

Krosswordz- 29.7/58.1 Lady S- 28.3/57.0

Enfinite- 29.6/56.9 G- 30/57.0

Round 3

Zak - 27.6/88.1

Mohammad- 30/89.4

LB- 28.6/87.7

Krosswordz- 29.6/87.7

Congratulations to Mohammad for winning his first slam!

Join us in February for our anniversary show & erotic slam!

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