Jambalaya Soul Slam Website

Jambalaya Soul Slam Website
Home of the Bull City Slam Team

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's almost time for Grand Slam Finals!

The moment we have all been waiting for is finally almost here! On April 16th we will finally know who will be representing the Bull City Slam Team in competition this summer. The poets competing are the top 12 scoring poets from the season.

Those poets are...
Mohammed Moussa
She 7
Lyrically Blessed

In addition to the slam we have an absolutely phenomenal feature poet, Mr. Taalam Acey will open up the slam for us. For more information about Taalam Acey visit http://www.taalamacey.com

Four Times the Fun!

Our "Last Chance Slam" was definitely one for the books! Thank you to the great people at the Common Ground Theater for always being so nice & hospitable to us. We started out with one pretty awesome feature & ended up with three by the end of the night! Special thank you to Stefen Micko from Charlotte, Moses West from Jacksonville, FL & Jackhammer Serenade (Patrick & Dre) from Oakland, CA. These poets truly gave us their hearts & amazing energy! Just when you're wondering if it can get any better we had the most intense slam of the season as 12 poets fought for the last guaranteed spot in the Jambalaya Soul Slam Grand Slam Finals! The judges didn't make it easy & the poets all poured their souls out on the stage for that coveted spot. The scores are as follows.

Calibration Poet: SLAP- 25.9


Lyrically Blessed- 29.5
Nicholas- 22.0
Will- 28.2
Tariq- 24.0
Axiom- 27.0
Jamila Reddy- 28.3
She7- 27.0
TruBlu- 25.5
G- 29.7
Chad- 26.8
Kelly Rae-27.3
CJ- 30


CJ- 30/60
Lyrically Blessed- 29.8/59.3
Jamilla- 29.4/57.7
Kelly Rae- 28.1/55.4
She7- 29.0/56


CJ- 29.3/89.3
Lyrically Blessed- 29.1/88.4
Will- 30/88.2
Jamilla- 29.3/87.0


Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's our Birthday!!

In February we celebrated our 7th birthday so in true Bull City fashion we did it BIG! On February 18th we held our annual midnight erotic slam featuring Yashika & on Saturday the 19th we held another slam during our "birthday party". Yep, that's right, we had two slams back to back!

Erotic Slam Scores

Dasan sacrificed with "Snow Angels" scoring a 26.8 after a 2 point time penalty


Potts - 28.5
Inkstress- 25.5
Alise- 23.4
Church Da Poet- 29.6
Axiom- 28.6
Teniel- 24.6
Scentric- 23.0
Tradell- 27.5
Curtis- 17.1

After a little foreplay we had to let 4 poets go as moved into the 2nd round....here's where things get steamy.


Church Da Poet - 23.6/53.2
Axiom- 26.9/55.5
Potts- 29.0/57.5
Tradell- 28.2/55.7
Inkstress- 24.3/49.8

In order to reach a climax we must let go of even more poets.


Potts- 29.3/86..8
Axiom- 28.3/83.8
Tradell- 27.3/83.0

AND THE WINNER IS.....POTTS! For the 4th year in a row Potts is the Erotic Slam Champion!

Birthday Slam Scores


iShine- 28.1

SLAP- 28.2

G- 27.1

Zak- 27.2

NovaKane- 29.8

Alise- 27.0

Axiom- 26.4

Nicholas- 24.6

Lyrically Blessed- 29.8

J. Alex- 23.6

Kelly Rae- 29.2

Alyssa- 23.8


Lyrically Blessed- 29.0/58.8

NovaKane- 30/59.8

Kelly Rae- 29.2/58.4

SLAP- 27.1/55.3

iShine- 28.3/56.4

Zak- 27.8/55.0


NovaKane- 29.9/89.7

Lyrically Blessed- 29.9/88.7

Kelly Rae- 29.3/87.7

Congrats to NovaKane for winning the Birthday Slam!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

January Slam

Our January slam was held at the Common Ground Theater in Durham following the Black Poetry Theater's production of Definition of a Hero. Our feature Tim Jackson gave a soul stirring performance to open up the first slam of 2011.

Round 1

G- 27.0 Redfining Freedom- 26.7 Selma- 25.8

Desmond- 22.1 Alise- 25.0 El'Ja- 29.8

Enfinite- 27.3 Mohammad- 29.5 LB- 29.3

Krosswordz- 28.4 Lady S- 28.7 Zak- 29.7

Round 2

El'Ja - 27.9/ 57.2 Zak - 29.8/59.5

Mohammad- 29.9/59.4 LB- 29.8/59.1

Krosswordz- 29.7/58.1 Lady S- 28.3/57.0

Enfinite- 29.6/56.9 G- 30/57.0

Round 3

Zak - 27.6/88.1

Mohammad- 30/89.4

LB- 28.6/87.7

Krosswordz- 29.6/87.7

Congratulations to Mohammad for winning his first slam!

Join us in February for our anniversary show & erotic slam!

Double Feature Surprise!

December was truly a gift! Jambalaya Soul Slam was blessed with two dynamic features, Tai Allen from New York & Rudy Francisco from San Diego. Coming off the heels of an amazing Iwps hosted by Slam Charlotte our December slam was on fire! Tai & Rudy lit the stage of the Hayti up with their stories & songs. The slam that followed was also full of great energy!

Round 1

Kareem - 21.5 El'Ja- 27.4 Tariq- 20.9

Kane - 29.6 Zak- 28.1 Will- 29.7

Enfinite- 28.8 G- 30 Alise- 29.1

Potts- 26.3 Nicholas- 27.0 Selma- 22.9

Round 2

G- 30/60 Will - 30/59.7

Kane- 29.8/59.4 Alise - 29.8/58.9

Enfinite - 29.1/57.9 Zak - 29.3/57.4

El'Ja - 29.9/57.3 Nicholas - 28.6/55.6

Round 3

G- 29.9/89.9

Will - 29.7/89.4

Kane - 29.4/88.8

Alise - 29.8/88.7
Congratulations to G for winning the December slam!

A Copasetic Slam!

Our November slam was packed with talent & love. It was a time of Thanksgiving in every way imaginable. Our feature Evan Copasetic Soul from St. Louis, Missouri absolutely blew us away! He had the audience laughing & crying as he poured his heart out on the stage at the Hayti Heritage Center. The competing poets carried his energy forward with an amazing slam!

Calibration Poet : Selma - 26.0

Round 1

Axiom - 28.3 Reid Splitter - 21.3 Will - 29.9

SLAP - 29.9 Mohammad - 28.6 Talicha- 28.4

Nicholas - 25.8 Alise- 27.0 Zak - 28.4

Kreem - 28.2 Kane - 29.9 Arielle- 28.7

Round 2

Will - 29.9/59.8 SLAP - 29.8/59.7

Kane - 30/59.4 Arielle - 29.3/58.0

Mohammad - 29.2/57.8 Talicha - 29.0/57.4

Zak - 28/56.6 Axiom - 29.7/58.0

Round 3

Will - 29.0/88.8

SLAP - 29.8/89.5

Kane - 30/89.4
Congrats to SLAP for her first win of the season!
for more about this slam from Copasetic Soul's point of view visit http://www.copapoetry.com

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We love Hip Hop!!!

Jambalaya Soul Slam hosted our "We love Hip Hop" slam October 16 at the Hayti Heritage Center. Perhaps we should have called it the "New voices" slam, of the ten poets who slammed 5 of them were new to Jambalaya and they all impressed us with their words & energy! We started out with an awesome feature from Eboni, Sarafine & Jackie three young ladies out of Jacksonville, FL who graced us with their talent. DJ Cotton kept us entertained between rounds with classic old shcool hip hop while Dasan & the audience played games. Congratulations to Nikki McCray for winning the "name that rhyme" game and winning tickets to the Old School concert in Chapel Hill.

Round 1

Mohammed Moussa - 25.8 Axiom- 24.5 iShine- 26.2

H2O Flo- 21.5 Jru- 20 She Seven- 25.5

Potts- 23 LB Naturally Alise- 25.8

Reese- 20

The judges were strict all through the slam which made the second round a very close one!

Round 2

iShine - 28/54.2 Naturally Alise- 23/48.8

Mohammed Moussa- 29.6/55.4 She Seven- 29.5/55.0

Axiom- 29.5/54.0

The winner of the final round was decided by only 2/10 of a point!

Round 3

Mohammed Moussa- 27.3/82.7

She Seven- 28.7/83.7

iShine- 29.3/83.5

Congratulations to She Seven for winning the October Jambalaya Soul Slam! Thank you to everybody who came out to support! Join us November 20 for our "Give Thanks" slam featuring Copasetic Soul from St. Louis, MO