Jambalaya Soul Slam Website

Jambalaya Soul Slam Website
Home of the Bull City Slam Team

Friday, May 21, 2010

1st Annual Jambalaya Soul Slam Challenge Slam

We had our first ever challenge slam on May 15th. It was held at the Whiting Criminal Justice Building on the campus of North Carolina Central University. This was a new event from the mind of Jambalaya founder and Bull City Slam Team coach Dasan Ahanu.

The event had three rounds with three distinct challenges.

Round one was the "Spit that Heat" round. Each poet performs a poem of their choice. The challenge in this round was not only to win the round but score higher than Bull City Slam Team member Will. If done, the poet would receive $20.

Round two was the "Haiku" round. Each poet shares one haiku. The poet who gets the highest score will then go head to head with Elliot Axiom in a best out of 5 competition. If the poet beats Axiom, then they get $20.

Round three was the "Picture Pages" round. This was a special challenge that wasn't revealed until the poets arrived at the slam.

There was a good turnout for the event including Mr. Tucker from I Define Me (IDM) clothing (http://www.idmwear.com/) there with his family. We had 4 poets participate in the slam. The poets were Zak, Jake, Joye, and Alise.

Zak was the highest scoring poet in the first round, but was outscored by Will. Zak got a 27.1 and Will received a 30.0.

Joye had the highest scoring haiku in the second round. She didn't have enough haikus left to go against Axiom so she enlisted the help of Alise who finished second in the round. They were able to defeat Axiom and split the money.

The third round saw Jake wow the audience and receive perfect 30.0. The challenge was to write a 4 line poem during the feature performance and then represent that poem in a series of images. Each poet was given 4 pieces of poster paper to draw the images for each line. Jake was able to defeat Dasan who received a 28.4 for his picture pages.

Jake finished with the highest cumalative score overall. He is our new Challenge Slam Grand Champion.

We also want to thank our feature DNoble. He put on an amazing performance. The audience was engaged as DNoble edutained them with eloquence and intensity.

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